

Choreographer, Dancer, Director, Capoeira Master

Born in São Paulo. Learned various kind of dance such as classic ballet, modern ballet, contemporary dance, Latin dance, jazz dance, modern dance and Capoeira, from 11 years old. Debuted as professional dancer in 20 years old. Got training at Martha Graham Dance School and the Joffrey Ballet company.


 Belong to  Enplo Art Ballet Theatre, Cisne Negro Dance company, Ballet Stadium company. Worked as a member of the dance company 'Rasa' and 'Passaro de Fogo", performed in Brazil and overseas. Worked extensively as a choreographer /dancer,  for TV shows, NESCAFÉ, mobile phone company TV commercials.


Founded “FATO CIA DANCA”' dance company  in 1992,  and produced many dance works as a choreographer. “FATO CIA DANCA”'  Performed in Brazil , Europe and Asia.


Won five gold awards at the IDC dance competition took place in New York, more experience in the international dance contest, Festival, etc..

Established Dance Academy, and brought passion into  training professional dancers for the next generation. Many students got awards at the Dance Festival in New York and Brazil national competition, that shows Leao’s significant talent as a choreographer and a mentor.

Moved to Ashiya, Japan in 2005. Currently, teacher / choreographer / dancer of contemporary dance, jazz dance, Latin dance, ballet, and also a producer/director of international dance show, world-wide.